Sunday, 19 July 2009

L001 - Why Take OUR Babies?

august 14th 2008 was the start of the worst time anyone could ever have in there lifes,worse than death itself.

Our then 7 week old baby girl (now a year old) woke up around 2am on the morning of the 14th august 2008, it was coming to an end to a lovely evening me and my wife had sitting down talking through things etc, i went up stairs to get her from her crib, started walking down the stairs when i trod on what i now know to be a small piece of lego,i started falling so put my arms out to grab the bannister but by doing so i dropped my little was over in seconds, i rushed down the stairs with my wife behind me who had just come out of the loo, picked her up and took her into the living room. she had a bit of blood on her nose which later scabbed up which was caused by her making contact with the rough carpet.she settled suprisingly quickly with a bottle.

once we had taken her to our local hospital it was then that our troubles started and our nightmare began.

the doctors didnt believe our account of how our daughter came to be hurt so got the police and social services involved as they said the injuries were in their words "non accidental" our daughter had too stay in hospital for 6 days in those days she had loads of x rays to which they said they found a fracture in the ankle and a fracture in the toe which they convenently said could not of happened down the stairs.

Since then we have had apparent experts look at these x-rays saying that the aparent fractures were near impossible to date yet one of the doctors who was one that actually said this has now conveniantly dated them the day after the health visitor came after her 6 week check and the day before or on the day of the accident.of course social services never suggested these dates to her did they.

These people never only took our baby they took our other two children aswell to which i might add that there has NEVER been any concerns what so ever regarding them two from anyone.they were at the time aged 3 and 5 now 4 and 6, for the purpose of this blog we shall refer to the children as H ,J , and C .

It has now been nearly a year since east sussex childrens services took our children and we did everything they asked of us,all assesments etc and yet all they did was use it against us.Our friends are going through the same thing with there now 7 year old daughter from the same town as us(H) with the same social worker A.T and the same judge C and they fought the other way and still got the same out come so what is a parent to do they say they like too keep families together which is total rubbish as it seems if you work with the childrens services you dont get your kids back and if you dont work with them you dont get them back either,what are you supposed to do ?We have now gone to the high court to appeal this rediculous decision, lets hope that once we point out all the mistakes and contridictions both social services and indeed the supposed experts have made they come to the right decision and give us our babies back.

We will NEVER EVER give up on our children and will always let them know that we love them very very much.

WEmiss them so very much it breaks our hearts.
K & S.